Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged ashland high school

Eight years ago today…

AHS VB Hannah Borgerson

Hannah Borgerson with the kill for Ashland High School

Gabby Heiken signs with SOU

gabby heiken sou softball signing ashland high school topaz denoise ai-standard

Gabby Heiken signs to play softball at Southern Oregon University (Ashland High School – September 2021)

@GabbyHeiken @SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Seven years ago today…

Digging it

Throwback Thursday

April 2012

Seven years ago today…


High school softball

ashland high school softball topaz denoise ai-denoise

Gabby Heiken

I went to my first high school softball game in at least 6 years yesterday.

Seven years ago today…

ashland high school baseball grizzlies

AHS Baseball vs Phoenix (North Mountain Park, Ashland, Oregon)

Happy birthday, Georgia Williams!

Georgia Williams

Different year, different season

Ashland High School baseball @ North Mountain Park


Ashland High School Track

Pink Nails

My random, desktop image of the day is this one from a little over six and a half years ago. The runner is Sadie Bailey.