Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged mt. shasta

Mt. Shasta from Grizzly Peak

shasta pilot rock from grizzly

Pilot Rock (near the California border) on the right with Emigrant Lake down below (April 2024)

If memory serves, I took today’s photo more so that I could look up the names of the mountains I was unfamiliar with than for the scene.

Is that Black Mountain just to the left of Pilot Rock (in the foreground) and Cottonwood Peak just to the right?

Mt. Shasta from the PCT

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View from PCT on Mt. Ashland (September 2023)

Mt. Shasta and Pilot Rock from Grizzly Peak

mt shasta pilot rock from grizzly peak-DeNoiseAI-clear

Mt. Shasta and Pilot Rrock from Grizzly Peak (July 2022)

Mt. Shasta from Grizzly Peak

mt shasta from grizzly peak-DeNoiseAI-clear

Mt. Shasta (California) from Grizzly Peak (Oregon) – July 6, 2022

Last week we did the Grizzly Peak hike for probably about the 30th time. Thanks to lots of late spring rain (and some rain in the past few weeks during summer too), I’ve never seen it so green up there (and with so many wildflowers).

Before the dawn

Before the dawn -- Mt. Shasta from Mt. Ashland

Shasta Lake and Mt. Shasta

Shasta Lake and Mt. Shasta

Mt. Shasta from the PCT on Mt. Ashland

mount shasta from mt ashland pct

Pacific Crest Trail near 1711 (October 17, 2021)

Castle Crags and Mt. Shasta

castle crags california mt shasta

Castle Crags Dome Hike (May 2019)

Sunrise from Mt. Ashland

Mt. Shasta from Mt. Ashland (October 2011)

Mt. Shasta from the MFR to SFO run

Aerial view of Mt. Shasta (June 2011)