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From Denmark to Sweden…

…or from the land of the beautiful people to the land of the very beautiful people.

As previously mentioned, before leaving for Denmark we planned a trip to Gothenburg, Sweden for our first weekend. Prior to leaving on this excursion I ran into a bit of bad luck. I got sick (including fevers) on top of being jetlagged. For some reason my jetlag actually got worse rather than better, and the night before leaving for Sweden I was unable to sleep, at all. I think that was the first time ever I’ve stayed up all night. If it wasn’t, it was the first time in much more than a decade.

I was glad when the alarm went off at 5 a.m. as lying in bed wide awake for six hours isn’t any fun. We walked to the Copenhagen train station which had a great feel inside. I’m not sure what year it was built but walking inside felt like you went back in time 100+ years.

copenhagen train station interior

copenhagen train station platform

The train ride up the coast of Sweden was very pleasant. The train seemed quieter and smoother than trains I remember in Italy and Japan. The scenery included views of the Oresund Straights (between the North Sea and Baltic Sea), large farms (mostly grain but some strawberries), some livestock (mainly sheep and cattle—my daughter called them “wild cows” because the fields they were in were so large), forests, and windmills (both modern and classic). The houses were cute.

windmills at sunrise in the sea between denmark and sweden

sweden country side

Upon arrival we had to get our return tickets changed through SJ. They were very gracious about doing so even though the tickets were supposed to be non-changeable and non-refundable. So if you are ever traveling on the railways through Sweden don’t pay extra for the refundable or changeable tickets. Just be sure to change your tickets before the time on the reservation and you should be good.

I apologize for the picture quality on this leg of the trip. Metaltown would only allow small cameras so we only took my daughter’s camera to Sweden. Plus, pictures through moving train windows aren’t great to begin with. They do look better if you click on them though.

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