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Outrage アウトレイジ @ Loud Park 2009

outrage loud park 2009 アウトレイジ Naoki Hashimoto 橋本直樹 tokyo japan band

As I mentioned before, I found out about Loud Park via Outrage’s website. I purchased “Blind to Reality” way back in 1989 while in Japan. I’ve listened to their first four CDs countless times since. I’m not nearly as fond of their subsequent releases, but I am hopeful that their new CD, “Rise,” coming out in November will be great.

Before Outrage came on stage I landed a ticket to their signing session (サイン会). I was so happy. Not only was I finally going to see Outrage, live, but I was also going to get to meet them afterwards. I made my way to the front row before they started. Unfortunately, this meant crappy sound and no photos as security in front of the stage were all over me every time I pulled out my camera (despite the fact that the signs said no professional cameras which should exempt my little TZ7).

As you can see from the top photo, I got the picture off just before the security guard put his hand in front of my camera, but the picture came out horrible in the process.

outrage japan 丹下眞也 アウトレイジ Shinya Tange loud park sign session drums

Photos weren’t allowed when the drummers (including Shinya Tange, above, and Dave Lombardo the next day) met fans and signed autographs. Why? I have no idea. Nobody did. It was just a rule that had to be followed. I grabbed this one from far away and that is why it is lacking in quality.

outrage loud park 2009 アウトレイジ Yoshihiro Yasui 安井義博 band

My only other attempt at photography while Outrage was on stage didn’t come out well either. That’s Yoshihiro Yasui, the Outrage bassist.

outrage japanese band signatures autographs Naoki Hashimoto Yousuke Abe Yoshihiro Yasui Shinya Tange

Even with flash turned off, I was not allowed to take pics with the band or even of the band during the signing session. Oh well. The signing session was quite fun anyway as I was able to meet and speak with all of the members of Outrage. I had actually had prior internet conversations with Yousuke Abe, the Outrage guitarist, and Shinya Tange, the drummer. They remembered me which was cool. They also liked my Metaltown t-shirt.

They were signing everything in English. I asked Yousuke Abe (阿部洋介) and Shinya Tange (丹下眞也) to sign their names in kanji, too, and they were happy to do so. One funny thing about Outrage is their songs are all in English and Naoki speaks to the crowd in English even though they only play in Japan. They only spoke to me in Japanese though. 😉

When Naoki grabbed the microphone to begin their set he said something like, “It’s time for us to show you our samurai spirit.” I already had a smile on my face before he said that, but hearing those words made my smile even bigger.

Outrage was great, of course, although I would have liked to have heard tunes off of “Blind to Reality” and “The Great Blue.” Their set list (セットリスト) was something like this:
You Suck
Under Control of Law
Death Trap
My Final Day

I’m not sure if Outrage was in control of the music before they began to play or not, but I thought it was really cool that they had an Opeth song just before the Immigrant Song which started their set.

These last two photos I did not take. They are from Shinya’s blog. I include them here since my pics of the band are so poor.

outrage back stage at loud park 2009 tokyo japan

I liked Shinya’s shirt too (although I didn’t have time to tell him). Riot was a great band back in the day and “Restless Breed” was one of their better efforts–not as good as “Narita” and “Fire Down Under” but still classic.

outrage japan 丹下眞也 アウトレイジ Shinya Tange loud park loudpark

I’ll be seeing Outrage again when they play in Tokyo next time. If you are reading this Shinya, let’s get together before or after the show. I noticed you said in your blog that you went to Shinokubo after Loud Park to eat and drink. I’m walking distance to Sinokubo so if that’s your spot I’m there. 😉

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