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Archive for Denmark


ribe denmark

Ribe, Denmark

Happy birthday, Alice Cooper!

Anatoliy Hlodan alice cooper copenhell

Alice Cooper @ 2016 Copenhell

Metal Monday

lucid grave metal magic festival malene pedersen

Malene Pedersen of Lucid Grave @ 2024 Metal Magic Festival

lucid grave setlist metal magic

Lucid Grave Setlist (July 12, 2024)

Metal Monday

Hervé Queyroix aosoth metal magic-low-light

Hervé Queyroix (AKA M k M) of Aosoth @ 2016 Metal Magic Festival

They carry news that must get through

aalborg mural denmark

Mural in Aalborg, Denmark (a place where “The winds of Thor are blowing cold”) (July 2021)

French brothers Arthur and Oscar Maslard created this mural. You can’t see it anymore though as a new one has taken its place.

Metal Monday

metal magic tormentor György Farkas Attila Szigeti

Tormentor @ 2019 Metal Magic Festival

metal magic tormentor setlist

2019 Metal Magic Festival – Tormentor setlist