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Chungjangsa south korea

Chungjangsa (South Korea)

Wheel me out of the ball game…

kia tigers crowd alcohol-DeNoiseAI-low-light

KIA Tigers professional baseball crowd

… Wheel me out to the car…

Did you know? At KBO games it’s not only a BYOB situation, you can actually bring in entire coolers loaded with ice and hard alcohol! In the above case, it appears the cooler is loaded with soju (소주) which is usually 20-40% alcohol and very inexpensive.

They actually have a beer-chugging contest on the dugout between innings. The winner receives a free case of beer and the applause of thousands.

Kimchi heaven

I’m currently reading Crying in H Mart, and it’s bringing back some memories…

Wandering through a national park in Korea

Naejangsan National Park (내장산)

Jeungsimsa details

Jeungsimsa gwangju temple dragon

Jeungsimsa (Gwangju, South Korea)

Gwangju Uprising

May 18th National Cemetery south korea gwangju

May 18th National Cemetery (Gwangju, South Korea)

Forty-one years ago tomorrow, a student uprising began at the university I taught at back in 2013. In Korean, the event is known as 5·18 (오일팔) or the Gwangju Democratization Struggle (광주 민주화 항쟁). 1,394 people were arrested for involvement in the Gwangju uprising, and 427 were indicted. Seven of those received death sentences and 12 received life sentences. 137 victims were carried in handcarts and garbage trucks to be buried at the Old Mangweol-dong Cemetery which has become the “new” Mangweol-dong Cemetery and is the location where today’s photo was taken.