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Posts tagged dimmu borgir

Happy birthday, Silenoz!

Silenoz dimmu borgir gefle metal festival-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Silenoz of Dimmu Borgir @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Happy birthday, Victor Brandt!

Dimmu Borgir

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Metal Monday

dimmu borgir gefle metal festival topaz denoise ai-clear

Dimmu Borgir @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Metal Monday

dimmu borgir gefle metal festival topaz denoise ai-low-light Dariusz Daray Brzozowski

Daray of Dimmu Borgir @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Metal Monday

Dimmu Borgir @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

#DimmuBorgir #GefleMetalFestival @dimmuborgir

Interesting additions to 2020 Brutal Assault

#brutalAssault2020 #brutalassault @seventhrule @authorpunisher @orangefeeling

A few stories about some of the latest additions to the 2020 Brutal Assault lineup…

The first is from just a couple years ago. On Thursday of the 2017 Roskilde Festival I was planning on seeing Oathbreaker and High on Fire. In between I had no plans, but I ran into some friends I had recently met at Copenhell, or maybe this is the night I met them for the first time. I don’t remember. In any event, they said I had to check out Author & Punisher, a one-man band featuring a guy who made his own instruments, and the instruments were far from traditional. There would be no guitars, drums, etc. What an experience that was!

author & punisher roskilde festival

Author & Punisher @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

Static-X and Cradle of Filth I learned about from “Iron Mike’s Metal Video” in 2000 and 2001. Iron Mike had a late night, public access show that I would watch after putting my, then little, kids to bed. Static-X was one of the few bands that would play in Southern Oregon so I ended up seeing them a few times while Wayne Static was still alive. I can’t imagine them without him, but maybe I’ll get that chance next summer.

Cradle of Filth reminded me a bit of Sabbat, who I was familiar with since the late 80s, but they seemed to really be pushing things. Ultimately, I became a fan which led to my interest in many other bands including Dimmu Borgir.