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Posts tagged ema

Baseball ema (野球絵馬)

baseball ema fukuoka softbank hawks

Japanese professional baseball “ema” in the Fukuoka Dome

You normally find ema at Shinto shrines in Japan. People write their prayers and wishes on them, hang them at the shrine, probably nobody reads them, and eventually they are burned. If they weren’t aesthetically pleasing (and a possible source of the placebo effect) they would be completely pointless.

Not so with these baseball ema which you can find at the home of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks (福岡ソフトバンクホークス). These are for fans to write notes to specific players. I suppose the players eventually get to read them. Kind of fun and very Japanese.


ema miyajima itsukushima jinja shrine

Wishes @ Itsukushima Shrine

Kushida-jinja (櫛田神社)


My random, desktop image of the day is from four years ago this month.

Happy Valentine’s Day

torii tunnel of love inuyama

torii tunnel of love (Inuyama, Japan)

At the end of this series of torii are hundreds of heart-shaped ema. You can see them a bit better in my photo from last year’s Valentine’s Day (バレンタインデー) post.

I’m hoping for some 本命チョコ but not counting on it this year (or any year). 😉

Happy Valentine’s Day

inuyama castle heart shrine torii tunnel

Heart ema at end of torii tunnel at shrine on grounds of Inuyama Castle

Kushida Shrine Ema

fukuoka fuufuebisu jinja ema kushida hakata


Even though this ema says it is from the Meotoebisu Jinja (夫婦恵比須神社), I’m pretty sure it was hanging at Kushida Jinja. Maybe the one is a sub-shrine of the other? This ema is sure to provide the wisher with some big fish satisfaction in their business (or at least that’s the literal meaning of some of what is written thereon).