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Posts tagged santa barbara

Throwback Thursday

ellie ryan santa barbara

Santa Barbara

Almost eight years ago…

View from the clock tower of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse

7 photo photomerge santa barbara

7-photo photomerge of Santa Barbara (December 2013)

I’ve spent much of my 52+ years on the planet in California. I was born there. I’ve lived near the border for more than the last 20 years. 1988 is the only year that I spent zero time in California (as I was in Japan the entire year). In 2020 I spent less than one day in California. That was for a brief hiking excursion in the Trinity Alps.

Hopefully, 2021 will be better, but so far I have no plans to venture into California this year.

Father’s Day is coming…

santa barbara surfing topaz denoise ai-denoise

Santa Barbara surfing with dad

…and let’s be honest. If your dad didn’t take you surfing, on a regular basis, when you were a kid, you didn’t have a very good dad.

Santa Barbara’s State Street with Christmas lights

state street santa barbara christmas lights night

Holiday Lights on State Street @ night (Santa Barbara, California)

University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Beach

ryan santa barbara beach ucsb

Santa Barbara beach near UCSB

Ryan is a senior in high school this year so we have been touring campuses for a few years now. He has pretty much narrowed down his choices to a couple of schools in Oregon (which he has also been accepted into). But while in Santa Barbara, why not check one of the few universities situated next to a beach?

You can’t really see the UCSB buildings on the campus in this photo although they are just to the right. The UCSB Lagoon is literally a stone’s throw from where I took this. Ryan can be seen walking in the upper right portion of this image.

Sacred Garden

old mission santa barbara sacred garden

Old Mission Santa Barbara’s Sacred Garden

We’ve spent most of the past week in Santa Barbara.