Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Happy birthday, Anthony Morales!

sou football Anthony Morales

#55 Anthony Morales


ashland japanese garden oregon

Tsukubai in Ashland’s Japanese Gardens

I mentioned before about how Ashland’s Japanese Garden in Lithia Park reminds me of Ryoanji in Kyoto, Japan. I didn’t notice this tsukubai (stone washbasin) in my earlier visits, but I did this past November as I thought I saw a similar one in Ryoanji. After searching through some old photos, I found my picture of the Ryoanji tsukubai and sure enough, this one in Ashland is an exact replica of the 17th century stone in Kyoto.

The characters combine with the square in the middle to spell out 吾唯足知 Ware tada taru wo shiru (I only know contentment).

Happy birthday, Coach Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt!

sou womens basketball bench Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt

Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt and her ’23-24 team (December 2023)

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @CoachKlop2

Big basketball games in Ashland someday…

sou womens basketball emma schmerbach

Emma Schmerbach


Details here. Was supposed to be tonight, then tomorrow, now Feb. 18.

sou mens basketball ethan collins

Ethan Collins

Happy birthday, Ava Johnson!

Ava Johnson

Ava Johnson

Happy birthday, O’Shea Miller!

sou football oshea miller

O’Shea Miller with the tackle


Men’s wrestling tonight in Ashland

sou mens wrestling sebastian echeverria

Sebastian Echeverria

5 p.m. start vs. #8 Providence for the #9 Raiders. Should be a good one.

Beach volleyball returns (but not today)

sou beach volleyball Madi Gray Tessa Zimmermann

Tessa Zimmermann & Madi Gray


Today’s scrimmages in Ashland have been canceled due to the weather.

Happy birthday, Dylan Kee-Ball!

sou football berk brown dyllon daniels ty glumbik rayden kaneshiro ted wickman gustavo mendez Dylan Kee-Ball Matthew Shaddle

#84 Dylan Kee-Ball


Happy birthday, Madison Childers!

sou womens soccer madison childers

Madison Childers