Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged grizzly peak

Looking northeast around sunset

paul rowland 80th birthday party

View above and across Lithia Park

Ridge Road with Grizzly Peak in the background

ridge road from tid near hearts nature trail grizzly peak

December 2024

I’ve been on Ridge Road hundreds of times in the past 24+ years, but this is the first time I saw it from this location–across Lithia Park walking along the TID near Hearts Nature Trail.

Christmas Rainbow

december rainbow ashland fader

December 25, 2020

The white house where the rainbow ends dates from the 19th Century. The current owner’s mother, Clara Fader, died recently at the age of 107 after living in that house for 80 years!

Mt. Shasta from Grizzly Peak

shasta pilot rock from grizzly

Pilot Rock (near the California border) on the right with Emigrant Lake down below (April 2024)

If memory serves, I took today’s photo more so that I could look up the names of the mountains I was unfamiliar with than for the scene.

Is that Black Mountain just to the left of Pilot Rock (in the foreground) and Cottonwood Peak just to the right?

Mt. Ashland from Grizzly Peak

mt ashland from grizzly peak

Ashland, Oregon (April 2024)

Grizzly Peak Graduation

 sou commencement grizzly peak

2024 SOU Commencement

@SOUAshland @SOUadmissions

Mt. McLoughlin from Grizzly Peak Trail

Mount McLoughlin from grizzly peak trail

Mount McLoughlin from Grizzly Peak Trail (April 2024)

Mt. Ashland from Grizzly Peak

grizzly peak hike mt ashland view

View from Grizzly Peak hike (4/28/24)

Seven years ago today…

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Grizzly Peak in March

grizzly peak snow

Grizzly Peak (March 1, 2024)