Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged Raider Athletics

Happy birthday, Jordan Faifai!

Jordan Faifai

Jordan Faifai



sou womens basketball Meghan McIntyre

Meghan McIntyre led the Raiders today with 21 points

@megmcin @SOURaiders_WBB

Happy birthday, Rayden Kaneshiro!

sou football adonis jackson rayden kaneshiro

Rayden Kaneshiro

@SOU_Football @KaneshiroRayden

Happy birthday, Sawyer Cleveland!

sou football sawyer cleveland

Sawyer Cleveland

@SOU_Football @SawyerCleve

Happy birthday, Christian Graney!

sou football Christian Graney

Christian Graney

@SOU_Football @graneychristian

Happy birthday, Vonn Fenn!

sou mens wrestling vonn fenn

Vonn Fenn

Happy birthday, Anthony Morales!

sou football Anthony Morales

#55 Anthony Morales

Happy birthday, Coach Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt!

sou womens basketball bench Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt

Carlotta Kloppenburg-Pruitt and her ’23-24 team (December 2023)

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @CoachKlop2

Big basketball games in Ashland someday…

sou womens basketball emma schmerbach

Emma Schmerbach


Details here. Was supposed to be tonight, then tomorrow, now Feb. 18.

sou mens basketball ethan collins

Ethan Collins

Happy birthday, Ava Johnson!

Ava Johnson

Ava Johnson