Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged sports

Ashland Skatepark

nilo skate park ashland oregon

Nine-year old catching some air

Turning Two

Turning two

Happy birthday, Shakia Teague-Perry!

sou womens basketball Shakia Teague-Perry-DeNoiseAI-clear

Shakia Teague-Perry

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb

Player of the Week

sou softball deja acosta-DeNoiseAI-clear

Deja Acosta

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @dejaacosta24

Details here.

Happy birthday, Austin Schmidt!

sou football red white game zack davis austin schmidt RaeQuan Bascombe-DeNoiseAI-low-light

#58 Austin Schmidt

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @theschmidtera

Happy birthday, Dakota Scott!

Dakota Scott (October 2016)

@SOURaiders @SOUMensSoccer

Happy birthday, Collin Crown!


Four years ago…


Top sports photos of 2016

Ellie Case with the kill

According to Flickr “favorites” these were my top five sports photos of 2016. Not all of the photos were taken in 2016; rather, these are the photos most “favorited” in 2016.

Brutality on the rugby pitch

Game-winning touchdown on 4th down with 5 yards to go

Autzen Stadium

3 photo photomerge panorama SOU softball oit

For my top travel photos for 2016, click here.

SOU Women’s Basketball begins important weekend

SOU Women's Basketball Carly Meister

SOU Women’s Basketball
Carly Meister

The Raiders are currently tied for fourth place with two games to go. They are just one game out of second place and just one game out of sixth place! The top four team will host the first round of the Cascade Conference Playoffs which begin next week. Tonight they face Warner Pacific at 5:30 in Portland. The playoff picture will clear up after tomorrow night’s games.