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Things you don’t usually see in the U.S.A.

This entry is for some of the slightly risque things we’ve encountered in Copenhagen. Don’t worry. There’s nothing to offend here–just a few things you probably won’t usually encounter in the states. I’m not going to include, for instance, pictures of the outside of strip clubs, which in Denmark include life-sized pictures of fully nude women.

First up is the tamest of all I suppose. In fact, it barely belongs in this entry. I include it only because I thought it was a bit funny.

My wife points to the above and says, “check that out” as we were walking down Stroget. I thought it was a nice scene so I took the above photograph. On closer inspection, however, we find the following:

naked lady statue with water squirting out of her breasts

The above caused me to recall the story about Tyco’s $2 million birthday party for the CEO’s wife which featured an ice sculpture of Michelangelo’s David spewing vodka from his penis and a birthday cake in the shape of a woman’s breasts with sparklers mounted on top.

Next up is a scene from Tivoli, a child’s amusement park, or so they say…

Not only can you visit bars in Tivoli (and there are a ton of them–something I’ve never seen in amusement parks in the states), but they have large tobacco stands selling all manner of cigarettes and pipe tobacco. The amount of smoking that goes on outdoors here is one of the few things I don’t like about Copenhagen.

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