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Nishi Tokorozawa Eki 西所沢駅

More than 20 years ago I lived in Tokorozawa, Japan. Tokorozawa was the place I stayed in Japan the longest at about 8 months. It was also the first place in Japan where I felt really comfortable with my Japanese language abilities having been in Japan for more than a year at that point. Those factors, and others, bring back nothing but fond memories for me regarding Tokorozawa.

So when I visited Japan for the first time in decades last year I made a point of seeing my old stomping grounds. My apartment was in 山口 (I think it was called) just behind the above train station. At the time there wasn’t much there except a few small apartments, tea fields, and bamboo. All that has changed now. I did see a bit of tea and bamboo in 2007, but most of the area has been turned into rather upscale, single-family homes.

Until I enlarged the above picture to fill my screen just a moment ago, I didn’t realize that the guy on the train platform appears to be waving at my camera.

One Response to “Nishi Tokorozawa Eki 西所沢駅”

  1. 1

    “Where is Waldo?” – took me a while to find the waving person. 😉

    I’ve visited Tokorozawa in late 2007 with some friends, we looked for the house from the movie Ju-On – The Grudge and visited a park.
    Unfortunately the weather wasn’t very good.