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Halloween in Japan

hello kitty japanese jack-o-lantern pumpkins candy japan

When I lived in Japan a couple of decades ago nothing was done for Halloween–no decorations, no costumes, no trick-or-treaters, nothing. It appears times have changed.

I don’t think trick-or-treating has caught on yet, but a flyer went up in our neighborhood for a Halloween costume parade (early in October–not on Halloween!) more than a week ago. The stores are already well stocked with Halloween decorations and goodies even though we are barely midway through September.

vampire mickey mouse witch minnie mouse japan halloween

Where else in the world, but Japan, can you find Hello Kitty Halloween goods and vampire Mickey Mouse?

3 Responses to “Halloween in Japan”

  1. 1

    I like Hello Kitty 🙂

  2. 2
    carolyn USA:

    The English Schools of Korea like to celebrate in their own way…My friend owns a “hogwan” and I have sent him posters, etc., for his bulletin boards. He sends photos of the students in his school dressed in simple costumes…it is quite cute.

  3. 3

    I notice Japan adopted AND adapted Halloween faster than Belgians! I would like to see more Halloween related stuff for sale here, that would really make us enjoy the holiday! Like the first picture… they’re so cute!