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Posts tagged Daishoin 大聖院

Rainy Days and Mondays

daishoin miyajima rain

Daishoin on Miyajima (June 2013)

Daishoin on Miyajima

Daishoin on Miyajima (June 2013)

Miyajima bonsho


Flashback Friday

Rain drops

Today’s photo comes from my last time in Japan, much too long ago as I haven’t been back in over six years now.

Guardian Deities

jizo snake statue japan

Jizo and the hebi

This (2017) is not the year of the snake, or the horse, but this photo was my random, desktop image of the day. These guardian deities, and I’m guessing there were twelve, each had one of the zodiac animals with them. The blurry one to the far right probably had a sheep.

2017 is the year of the rooster. The next year of the snake will be 2025.

Jewel Hall (摩尼殿)

Daishoin's Maniden Hall

A bit of the exterior of Maniden at Daishoin can be seen in this prior post.