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Posts tagged Nikon NIKKOR Z 20mm f/1.8 S

Happy birthday, Inferno!

behemoth uc theatre

Behemoth’s Inferno @ UC Theatre (Berkeley, California – May 2022)

@BehemothBand @TheUCTheatre

Metal Monday

alien force metal magic

Alien Force @ 2021 Metal Magic Festival

Will I make it to next year’s Metal Magic Festival? I don’t know yet, but if I do I’ll get to see Alien Force for the fourth time in my life (all in Denmark)–not bad considering the fact that Alien force has only played a couple dozen gigs ever and only a handful of those outside of Denmark.

alien force metal magic festival 2025

Alien Force @ 2025 Metal Magic Festival

Metal Monday

turbocharged metal magic

Turbocharged @ 2021 Metal Magic Festival

This will also be my “Metal Saturday” in a few weeks…

Two years ago today…

redding civic primus-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise


Telekinetic Yeti

Telekinetic Yeti 7th Street Entry Minneapolis Alex Baumann

Telekinetic Yeti’s Alex Baumann @ 7th Street Entry (Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 2022)

Metal Monday

slaegt amager bio

Slaegt @ Amager Bio (June 2021)