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Posts tagged roskilde festival

Metal Monday

Patryk Dominik Sztyber seth behemoth roskilde festival

Seth of Behemoth @ 2019 Roskilde Festival

Steve Von Till in Denmark

steve von till neurosis roskilde festival

Neurosis @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

Yesterday I was wearing one of my favorite shirts–a Steve Von Till “Harvestman” when this image turned into my new, random desktop image. I felt like it was a sign that it should be here today.

Normally I don’t like the bits of dust that show up on concert images from the spotlights, but this one has so many of them that it almost looks like the Milky Way behind him.

Six years ago today…

Fork in the road

Happy birthday, Mikael Stanne!

Mikael Stanne Dark Tranquillity NIN roskilde festival

Mikael Stanne of Dark Tranquillity enjoying NIN @ 2018 Roskilde Festival

@dtofficial #rf18 @orangefeeling #rf

Happy birthday, Aaron Turner!

sumac roskilde festival aaron turner-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Aaron Turner of Sumac @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @orangefeeling

Power nap before High on Fire
