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Posts tagged san francisco

Windsurfing under the Golden Gate Bridge

san francisco bay windsufing bridge

Windsurfing San Francisco (April 2024)

Vista Point

vista point san francisco golden gate bridge

San Francisco (August 2015)

San Francisco Ferry Building

San Francisco Ferry Building

San Francisco, California (March 2016)

San Francisco Sunset

san francisco sunset treasure island

View from Treasure Island (4/20/24)

San Francisco Bay

12-photo photomerge san francisco bay panorama

San Francisco Bay panorama (August 2015)

Horseshoe Bay in the foreground on the left and, of course, the Golden Gate Bridge on the right.

Lucky Lager

May 2012 – San Francisco

I’m not sure exactly where I was when I took the above photo. This was somewhere between BART and the stadium (then known as AT&T Park) where we saw Roger Water’s perform The Wall.