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Posts tagged satyricon

Satyr @ Gefle Metal Festival

gefle metal festival satyr satyricon-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Satyricon (July 2019)

@satyricon #geflemetalfestival

Happy birthday, Satyr!

Sigurd Wongraven copenhell satyricon topaz denoise ai-low-light

Satyricon @ 2018 Copenhell

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2018 @satyricon #satyricon

Metal Monday

Satyricon @ 2018 Copenhell

Satyricon @ 2018 Copenhell

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2018 @satyricon #satyricon

Insatiable desire for live music

Satyricon live

@satyricon #geflemetalfestival

I’ve gone longer periods of time without live music. In the 90s, for instance, I would go months without seeing a live performance. That had a lot to do with how busy I was with my career and young family though. Over the past decade I’ve become accustomed to live music a few times a month and nearly everyday in the summers.

I’ve only been to a couple live shows this year and haven’t been to one in three months now. That was OK because I had so many lined up this summer. But now all of those have been cancelled so I’m chomping at the bit. I’m even toying with the idea of flying to Mexico in November to see Satyricon at Mexico Metal Fest (which also includes Kreator, Mayhem, Sodom, Nile, Destruction, Pentagram, Tankard, and 1349). Of course, Mexico Metal Fest may get cancelled too so for now I’m just trying to be patient and hope that 2021 returns to normal.

Today’s photo was taken at the 2019 Gefle Metal Festival. I wasn’t planning on going to the 2020 edition because it was the same weekend as Metal Magic. In 2021 Gefle Metal Festival will not clash with Metal Magic so I may be making another trip to Sweden.

2021 Gefle Metal Festival Lineup

Happy birthday, Satyr!


@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2018 @satyricon #satyricon

Satyricon in Sweden

Satyricon @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival

@satyricon #geflemetalfestival

Perhaps my favorite experience at 2018 Copenhell was Satyricon. So I was excited to see that I would get to see them again so soon at the 2019 Gefle Metal Festival. Sometimes the second time seeing a band after just a year can be disappointing. Such was not the case with Satyricon. If anything, I enjoyed their performance in Gävle even more.

I like how today’s photo came out with the Swedish colors of blue and yellow.

Most of the time when a Scandinavian band plays in another Scandinavian country they speak to the audience in English. Such was the case with Dimmu Borgir on the following night. However, Satyr, pictured above, spoke a lot between songs, and he did so all in Swedish.