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Posts tagged tower bridge

Near Traitors’ Gate

Traitor's Gate tower bridge london

Tower of London – Middle Drawbridge Gate

A host of the willing few
Gathers at the traitors’ gate
Demanding their pound of flesh
And their weight in gold

HMS Belfast and JDS Kashima framed by Tower Bridge

london thames bridge tower

JDS Kashima (3508) and HMS Belfast in the Thames River

When I took today’s photo I didn’t realize its significance or rarity. I took it merely because the war ships were nicely framed by the Tower Bridge from my vantage point at the time (on a ferry boat moving in the middle of the Thames).

However, with a bit of research I realized that the Japanese navy warship, JDS Kashima, is not normally in the Thames. It squeezed under the Tower Bridge and moored alongside HMS Belfast (which is a museum in the Thames) for just a few days last summer.

Tower Bridge from inside the White Tower

Tower Bridge from Tower of London
