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Posts tagged vintage color slides

Barber Asada

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Japan 1953 (likely Kokura 小倉市)

Today’s photo comes from my father’s slides from around 1953 Japan. Why post this today? Well, today is my dad’s birthday. If he were still alive, he’d be 95 years old today.

I converted these images from slides to digital about 12 years ago, shortly before he died. I showed them to him, but he couldn’t identify the people, places, or years anymore. Why did he take this photo? No idea–maybe that was his barber? Or the lumber was unusual? Or…?

Vintage Japanese girls

vintage japanese girls

Today’s photo is about 65-years old so these two, if they are still alive, are now in their 70s. For more of my dad’s photos from the early 1950s click here.

Merry Christmas bling

1950s christmas tree slides

Today’s photo is proof that “bling” was invented long before the 1990s. This is from my parents’ slides and dates to the early 1950s.

Vintage color slides – Japan 1953?

japan 1953 vintage color slides

U.S. military personnel in Japanese rice field 1953

Today’s photos are from my dad’s slide collection. These were taken in the Kitakyushu area in 1952 or 1953.

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Anyone have any idea what is happening in this third image?

Little Japanese Girl

japanese girl 1950s geta camp kokura depot korean war

Japanese girl in kimono at shrine – 1950s – Kokura (Kitakyushu), Japan

Another photo today from my father’s collection of slides… If this beautiful, little girl is still alive today (2013) she is about 62-years old.

8048 Army Unit – Kokura General Depot

camp kokura glenn case kokura general depot 8048 army unit japan korean war conflict

Glenn Case – Kokura General Depot – 8048 Army Unit – Japan during the Korean War

More details have unfolded as I’ve converted more of my dad’s slides into digital images. The 8048 Army Unit only existed from March 17, 1951 until July 27, 1954 so these Japan photos must have all come from that time period.