Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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SOU volleyball emma gasman laura morse lauren mcgowne tyana andrews

Laura Morse, Lauren McGowne, and Emma Gasman celebrate a Tyana Andrews kill in last night’s victory over Northwest

@SOURaiders @RaiderVB @LMcGowne @SOU_Football @SOUWomensSoccer @ERMAHGERDitsAVE

It’s a Saturday in October, which means good weather and lots of sporting events on tap. Only one will be in Ashland; the 16-2 SOU Volleyball team will be taking on Evergreen at 5.

Before then men’s soccer will play at noon in Washington, simultaneously football will be playing in Montana, and women’s soccer will play at 2 (also in Washington).

sou men's soccer

Inaugural SOU Men’s Soccer Team

SOU football Isiah Carter Mylz Blake Nathan Torres-Walker David Weider Trevor Jones

SOU women's soccer avery dutton

Avery Dutton

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