Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged Nikon D750

True American Hero

True American Hero

One of Huey Lewis’s final performances

huey lewis and the News

Huey Lewis and the News @ Britt (2017)

Huey Lewis and the News played just 22 shows after this one before his Ménière’s disease diagnosis in 2018.

Descending into Ashland from the Green Springs

greensprings highway 66 southern oregon winter

Green Springs Highway 66 (December 2018)

Six years ago…

fret drifters nick garret-powell rogue theatre

The Fret Drifters (December 2018)

Hiking in inclement weather

wagner butte hike snow rain sleet

Descending from Wagner Butte (April 2018)

Sarcalogos @ King Wah’s

sarcalogos bamboo room

Sarcalogos in the Bamboo Room (11/22/16)

Eight years ago today…

Six years ago today…

sou mens wrestling 87-88

The 1988 SOU Wrestling Team entered the SOU Hall of Fame 30 years later

10 years ago today…

AHS vb Jordan Tilly grace hope roo olivia rooney

Ashland High School volleyball

Happy birthday, JJ Latu!

Open field

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Happy birthday, Kelsey Randall!


@SOU_Softball @Kelsee_R