Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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The Mo Center

six photo photomerge ED MOSHOFSKY SPORTS CENTER eugene Oregon Matt Hartner Memorial Classic

6-photo photomerge of the Ed Moshofsky Sports Center before day two of the 2016 Oregon Matt Hartner Memorial Classic (January, Eugene)

We just got back from three days of volleyball. The Rogue Valley Volleyball Club 18U team came in 38th place out of 108 teams. They finished with a 6-2 record, losing both of their games in three sets. In other words, they beat everyone they faced at least once. Given the original rankings, Rogue Valley couldn’t have finished higher than 29th place, even if they won all their games, so I guess you could say they came in 9th place.

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