Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Archive for outside of ashland

True American Hero

True American Hero

One of Huey Lewis’s final performances

huey lewis and the News

Huey Lewis and the News @ Britt (2017)

Huey Lewis and the News played just 22 shows after this one before his Ménière’s disease diagnosis in 2018.

Year of the Snake

snake devils lake oregon

Snake in Devil’s Lake (Oregon)

2025 is the year of the snake beginning today in Japan. China has to wait a few more weeks.

Leaving Leap Year

shore acres state park holiday lights

Shore Acres State Park

Merry Christmas!

united states hotel jacksonville inn oregon

United States Hotel and the Jacksonville Inn (December 2024)

Now property of Britt, there could be musical performances in this building soon.

Wildlife Safari

bandon winston llama guanaco

Winston Wildlife Safari llama (March 2011)

Happy birthday, Jake Cinninger!

umphreys mcgee britt jake cinninger

Jake Cinninger of Umphrey’s McGee @ Britt (July 17, 2024)

Six years ago…

fret drifters nick garret-powell rogue theatre

The Fret Drifters (December 2018)

Kinds of fish

shore acres state park holiday lights

Shore Acres State Park holiday lights

Crater Lake Sunrise

Crater Lake Sunrise