Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged Nikon NIKKOR Z 70-180mm f/2.8

Happy birthday, Mercedes Harms!

sou track and field Mercedes Harms

Mercedes Harms

Meg Perry is first ever Raider to earn Academic All-America 1st team for volleyball

sou volleyball meg perry

Meg Perry with the kill


Details here.

Ashland Autumn Sunset

ashland autumn springs hotel mount sunset

Ashland Autumn Sunset (November 10, 2024)


sou football Adrik Lamar

Adrik Lamar

@SOU_Football @Lamar17_

Details here. Massey has the Raiders as 1-point underdogs. This should be a great game!

NAIA Player of the Week

sou football gunner yates

Gunner Yates

@SOU_Football @gunner_yates

Details here.


sou football Gunner Yates

Gunner Yates

@SOU_Football @gunner_yates

Tonight’s game will happen a bit over two hours to the south of Ashland.

Team of the Week

sou volleyball team

2024 SOU Volleyball Team

Details here.

Happy birthday, Mallory Williams!

sou volleyball basketball mallory williams kami walk-DeNoiseAI-clear

Mallory Williams and Kami Walk

@Mallory30946121 @SOURaiders @SOURaiders_WBB

Piper Love goes 3 for 4 with the game-winning RBI to put SOU in the driver’s seat

sou softball piper love

Piper Love

The Raiders need just one more win (and will have two chances to earn it on Thursday) to make it to the final NAIA College World Series site again.

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @katie_mac0807

sou softball faith moultrie

Faith Moultrie had two hits, two runs, and stole a base in the victory

sou softball sammie pemberton

Sammie Pemberton went two for four with two runs scored and an RBI

sou softball katie machado

Katie Machado gave up just one run to one of the NAIA’s top ten offenses

Happy birthday, Hailey Seva!

sou softball hailey seva

Hailey Seva

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball