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Posts tagged Danielle Kelly Soul Project

Happy birthday, Danielle Kelly!

Danielle Kelly (July 2015)

Seven summers ago

Matthew Kriemelman-DeNoiseAI-clear

Matthew Kriemelman (playing with Danielle Kelly in July of 2015)

Leftover Salmon with Danielle Kelly

leftover salmon ashland armory danielle kelly topaz denoise ai-low-light

Leftover Salmon @ Ashland Armory with Danielle Kelly guesting on lead vocals (February 2022)

@LeftoverSalmon @LiveAtTheArmory #leftoversalmon

Happy birthday, Danielle Kelly!

@LunaCafeAshland danielle kelly jazz trio luna cafe ashland-denoise

Danielle Kelly Jazz Trio @ Luna Cafe


Happy birthday, Danielle Kelly!

Those Eyes

DK Jazz Trio at Belle Fiore today

Danielle Kelly Jazz Trio


Happening at Belle Fiore beginning at 5:30 tonight. Today’s photo comes from last week at Luna Cafe where Danielle performs about once a month.

Danielle Kelly Soul Project

Danielle Kelly Soul Project

@howieesonfront @Paschalwines

The DK Soul Project has been very active recently. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen them since December, when I took today’s photo.

This Friday (8/10/18) they will be at Paschal Winery, and Saturday (8/11/18) they will be at Ashland Arts Center.

DK Soul Project

Danielle Kelly


The Danielle Kelly Soul Project is playing a couple of shows this weekend. Friday (4/6/18) @ Grape Street Bar & Grill in Medford and Saturday in Ashland @ Black Sheep.

Danielle Kelly @ Howiee’s on Front

Danielle Kelly


11th Annual Brews & Boogie

Danielle Kelly Soul Project jackson county fair

Danielle Kelly Soul Project

@whattodoinsoore @SOLiveEvents

Tonight (10/3/15) is the annual event at ScienceWorks featuring food, beer, and several local musicians. For this year’s event those acts include Jive Coulis, Frankie Hernandez & the Old Soul Parade, Danielle Kelly Soul Project, and DJ G_Rad from the Granite Taphouse. Tickets are $20, and things will be happening from 7 p.m. to midnight.