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Posts tagged dan bulkley

Dan Bulkley reaches the finish line at 101

sou track and field dan bulkley eli chapman Margot Hamman caleb diaz rob cashell matt sayre

@SOURaiders @SOUTrackXC @raidersayre @ElijahChapman3 @margothamman @ccccommish

Details here.

Happy birthday to Margot Hamman and Jacob Proul!

sou track and field dan bulkley eli chapman Margot Hamman

100-year old Dan Bulkley prepares to race against Eli Chapman and Margot Hamman

@margothamman @SOURaiders @SOU_Football

sou football jacob proul

Jacob Proul

SOU Hall of Famer Dan Bulkley runs 100 @ age 100

sou track and field dan bulkley eli chapman caleb diaz

Dan Bulkley breaks the tape after running the 100 a week after turning 100


Dan Bulkley began the tennis, track, cross country, and skiing programs at SOU, where he was active from 1950-1979. He entered the NAIA Hall of Fame in 1977. He has won gold medals and set world records in senior track events.