Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged michael chisley jr

Happy birthday, Michael Chisley Jr!

sou football michael chisley

Michael Chisley Jr

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

2019 SOU Football Senior Day (part 3)

sou football michael chisley

Michael Chisley Jr.

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @jasonshelley_

sou football jason shelley

Jason Shelley

sou football james porter

James Porter

Football in Ashland today

sou football michael chisley

Michael Chisley

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football #NAIAFootball

“Game of the Week” finalist


tackling Jr.s

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football #RaceToDaytona #NAIAFootball @Jrucker10 @racetodaytona

This Saturday’s game is a nominee for “NAIA Game of the Week”. Click on the image below and then like it on FB to vote.

Click on this image and then "like" to have the Raiders home opener be the NAIA game of the week.

Click on this image and then “like” to have the Raiders home opener be the NAIA game of the week.