Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged nehemiah dedmon

Happy birthday, Nehemiah Dedmon!

sou football nehemiah dedmon tyler coates holden avery mccuaig marve nyembo topaz denoise ai-standard

#17 (in 2021) Nehemiah Dedmon

@SOURaiders @nehemiah_dedmon @CoatesTcoates29 @SOU_Football

Getting the band back together

2014 SOU football coaches-DeNoiseAI-clear

November 2014 (SOU football coaches)

@SOU_CoachBBrown @SOURaiders @SOU_Football @blake_asciutto @king_mendez_

Three coaches from the 2014 staff are on the 2023 coaching staff. Another can be found in this much earlier post from 2014 (but may be difficult to spot if you don’t know what you are looking for).

sou football berk brown-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Berk Brown and the 2023 SOU football team

Happy birthday, Christian Graney!

sou football christian graney austin brown topaz denoise ai-standard

Christian Graney

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @graneychristian


New Raider scoreboard

@haileyvanwell @SOURaiders @RaiderVB @nehemiah_dedmon @CoatesTcoates29 @SOU_Football

You can check out the new scoreboard at today’s 1 p.m. football game. We should have a break in the rain for the game. SOU is a 4-point favorite over Montana Tech according to Massey.

sou football nehemiah dedmon tyler coates topaz denoise ai-standard

2021 Raider football

Tonight you can watch the volleyball team go for another upset win after last night’s victory over 17-4 Bushnell.

sou volleyball hailey van well topaz denoise ai-low-light

Hailey Van Well