Ashland Daily Photo
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Bird at Hyatt Lake

southern oregon birding

During my second trip to Hyatt Lake of the summer I saw this bird. What is it? I’m not sure. Maybe a hawk of some kind. I’m not very good at identifying birds. In fact, in my prior post I labeled the bird as a bald eagle (as that is what I was told), but now I’m thinking it may have been an osprey.

3 Responses to “Bird at Hyatt Lake”

  1. 1
    Matthew Brown:

    Pretty sure this is a Golden Eagle.

  2. 2

    You are probably correct, Matthew. According to this site:
    there are Golden Eagles at Hyatt Lake.

  3. 3
    Cory Wilson:

    That’s a ‘almost’ adult Red-Tailed Hawk. Looks like a few red tail feathers are coming in as the immature ones are soon to fall out and be replaced by the all red ones.