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Posts tagged ashley lowe

Seven years ago today…

Solid Contact

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @ashleyyy_10

Traffic cop

 ashley lowe sou softball topaz denoise ai-denoise

Ashley Lowe

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @ashleyyy_10

I’m pretty sure she knew the way home. What would have been far more useful is to get the bat out of the way…

Throwback stirrups

SOU Softball Ashley Lowe

2014 SOU softball senior Ashley Lowe

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @ashleyyy_10

This was how all of the cool kids wore their stirrups when I played little league in the late 1970s.

The 18-8 Raiders are back in town this Saturday for a doubleheader against #10 Simpson. First pitch will be at noon. Games should continue until about 4 p.m. SOU has beaten Simpson this year, and their last game against them was a 2-1 close one so these should be very good contests.

Willison and Lowe receive honors

SOU Softball Julia Willison

SOU Softball – Julia Willison

Julia Willison was among the league leaders in many offensive categories and lead the league in on-base percentage earning her a spot on the all-conference team. Ashley Lowe received honorable mention.

SOU Softball Ashley Lowe

SOU Softball – Ashley Lowe

SOU Softball Senior Day Ashley Lowe Julia Willison Coach Kim Fritts Sierra Anderson Karlie Stephens

SOU Softball Senior Day (L-R) Ashley Lowe, Julia Willison, Coach Kim Fritts, Sierra Anderson, Karlie Stephens