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Posts tagged Danasia Allison

Happy birthday, Danasia Allison!

sou womens basketball Danasia Allison mallory heard

Danasia Allison

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @allison_danasia

Homecourt this coming Wednesday

sou womens basketball Danasia Allison-DeNoiseAI-low-light

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @allison_danasia

The men’s fate is still to be decided, but the SOU women’s basketball team will host a home playoff game next Wednesday (2/22/23) at 5:30.

Beginning tonight in Ashland

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @allison_danasia @SOUhoops @TerranceTez

sou womens basketball Danasia Allison-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Danasia Allison

sou mens basketball tez allen-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Tez Allen

sou womens wrestling kyara tagami-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Kyara Tagami

Basketball playoffs set to begin

sou womens basketball team topaz denoise ai-low-light

2021-2022 SOU women’s basketball team

@SOURaiders @souraiders_wbb @domharding_10 @mal_heard @yasmineahlmz @allison_danasia @mj_scurlock @CoachKlop2

Tuesday night the action will begin at home at 7 p.m.

Basketball in Ashland tonight and tomorrow

sou womens basketball danasia allison topaz denoise ai-low-light

Danasia Allison

@SOURaiders @allison_danasia @souraiders_wbb @SOUhoops @masonwhittaker3

5:30 and 7:30 today
3 and 5 tomorrow

sou mens basketball mason whittaker topaz denoise ai-low-light

Mason Whittaker

Couple years ago

To the hoop

@SOURaiders @allison_danasia @souwbb

Basketball returns to Ashland tonight


@SOURaiders @allison_danasia @souwbb

Get there early as this could be the first sell out at Lithia Motors Pavilion. The women’s game begins at 5:30. Both games, against arch rival Oregon Tech, should be tight. Massey has the SOU men as 5-point favorites and the Raider women as 6-point favorites.

sou womens basketball Danasia ALLISON

Danasia Allison