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Posts tagged james hines

2018 SOU football senior day (part 3)

sou football masi tunoa

Masi Tunoa

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @tunoamasi @kolone808 @Bigmike7268

sou football james hines

James Hines

sou football harry kolone

Harry Kolone

#4 @ #2

sou football o-line

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football #NAIAFootball @FConference @NAIA #PlayNAIA @Che55Che @TylerCox59 @AddisonWhitham

New Massey Ratings are out after yesterday’s games. SOU, now 2-0, moved up to #2 according to Massey. Montana Tech also jumped a couple spots, setting up a #4 against #2 this coming Saturday in Ashland. Massey gives SOU a 71% chance of winning and predicts a victory for the Raiders by a touchdown.

The coaches will likely have the Raiders at #3 when the new poll comes out on Monday. Montana Tech should crack the top 20 with their 2-0 start. The Frontier Conference has performed very well against non-Frontier Conference teams so far. Massey has noticed. Will the coaches?

Carroll College beat D3 powerhouse Linfield College this past Saturday. Montana State Northern (a team that seldom wins against Frontier Conference opponents) crushed Mayville State. #20 Rocky Mountain beat #13 Dickinson State. Massey predicted that win; the coaches did not. What else is new?

Massey has seven Frontier Conference teams in the top 16. The coaches will likely have only three Frontier Conference teams in the top 25.


sou football Isaac Hurd chase cole james hines austin may

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Hall of Fame Weekend kicks off this morning with the 2017 inductees banquet. The new members of the SOU Sports Hall of Fame will be recognized at halftime at the Raiders’ 1 p.m. game. There is only one entrance (due to construction) so arrive to the game early if you still need to purchase a ticket.

sou sports hall of fame bold harman 2001 football

sou sports hall of fame blacksmith popplewell stevenson