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Posts tagged megan smith

Happy birthday, Kylie Moltzen!

sou women's soccer kylie moltzen

Kylie Moltzen (October 2016)

Seven years ago today…

2015 SOU Women’s Soccer Team


This Week in Ashland


@SOURaiders @SOUWomensSoccer @tristenholmes11

These soccer games are huge as they will determine whether the Raiders end up winning the conference or coming in 4th place (or somewhere in between).

46 Raiders earn Academic All-Conference


Megan Smith

@SOURaiders @RaiderVB @SOUWomensSoccer @MarisaDaOrphan @LMcGowne @laurenaldana

Details and complete list here.


Marisa D’Orfani, Jocelyn Schmidt, and Morgan Pfunder


Daniel Zamores


Aidan Paulk


Taylor Ristvedt, Courtney Macklin, Ariana Sattler, Lauren McGowne, Kiley Barcroft


Lauren Aldana

Players of the Week


Megan Smith


Details here.


Jonathan Morales


Facie Graham

Players of the Week


Emma Gasman

@SOURaiders @RaiderVB @LMcGowne @MegannMcArthur @SOU_Football @the_reyvega

Details here.


Megan McArthur


Lauren McGowne


Megan Smith

Note that Jessa Perkinson received honorable mention for women’s golf. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos of Jessa golfing. There are two reasons for this. The first is that Jessa isn’t on SOU’s golf team. The second is that SOU doesn’t have a golf team! 🙂


Rey Vega was the Frontier Conference Offensive Player of the Week

SOU women’s soccer wraps up pre-conference play this weekend


Megan Smith

@SOURaiders @SOUWomensSoccer

Southern Oregon will be in Portland this weekend before opening their CCC games next weekend in Ashland. The 3-2 Raiders will play Corban at 3 on 9/23 and Northwest Christian at 4 on 9/24. Both games will be at Raider Stadium. The Opening Welcome for new SOU students and their families will take place at Raider Stadium following the Friday game. Hopefully some of those students and family members will come early to watch the action.

Women’s soccer tonight

SOU women's soccer team

2015 SOU women’s soccer team

@SOURaiders @SOUWomensSoccer @AislinnnWaite

The Southern Oregon University Women’s Soccer team will be hosting a scrimmage tonight against Humboldt State @ 6 p.m. @ Raider Stadium.

SOU Scholar Athletes

sou track and field aspen abbott

Aspen Abbott

@SOURaiders @runaspenrun @RaiderVB @SOUWomensSoccer @presleylambert

Full list and more details here.

SOU women's soccer Lauren Aldana

Lauren Aldana

Tyana Andrews

Tyana Andrews

sou track and field tierra barrett

Tierra Barrett

SOU wrestling tanner canaday tim tsukanov

Tanner Canaday

sou asa lithia motors bowling emma gasman

Emma Gasman

sou softball alexa gonzalez

Alexa Gonzalez

CCC track and field kim nava emily lamb

Emily Lamb (right)

SOU soccer Presley Lambert

Presley Lambert

SOU wrestling trevor hancock francis liorente

Francis Liorente (right)

SOU soccer Kylie Moltzen

Kylie Moltzen

sou men's basketball justin martin

Justin Martin

SOU Women's Basketball Majerle Reeves

Majerle Reeves

CCC track and field 1500 meter Jessie Rozario Amy Pfaff

Jessie Rozario

sou women's basketball demi sahlinger

Demi Sahlinger

SOU women's soccer Megan Smith

Megan Smith

sou men's basketball joel spear

Joel Spear

SOU women's soccer allyson ward

Allyson Ward

sou men's basketball jordan west

Jordan West

2015 Soccer Scholar-Athletes

sou women's soccer presley lambert

Presley Lambert

@SOURaiders @SOUWomensSoccer @laurenaldana @presleylambert

Congratulations to Lauren Aldana, Prelsey Lambert, Kylie Moltzen, Megan Smith, and Allyson Ward for earning 2015 Daktronics-NAIA Soccer Scholar-Athlete status. In order to be a recipient of the Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete award, the athlete must be a junior or above with at least a 3.5 GPA.

SOU Women's Soccer vs Northwest Kylie Moltzen

Kylie Moltzen

SOU women's soccer allyson ward

Allyson Ward

SOU Women's Soccer vs Northwest Megan Smith

Megan Smith

SOU women's soccer Lauren Aldana

Lauren Aldana