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@SOURaiders @1meyerkenny5 @SOUWrestling @tcanaday @souwbb @tristenholmes11
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@SOURaiders @tristenholmes11
With this past weekend’s road sweep the Raiders were named the Cascade Conference Team of the Week today. On Massey Ratings, Southern Oregon jumped 21 spots in the rankings (to #16) with the two wins! Wednesday’s home game against Oregon Tech is shaping up to be a big one. You’ll want to get there early if you want a seat as the Ashland High School gym will be full.
#GivingTuesday @SOURaiders @RaiderVB @HoytMakayla @tristenholmes11
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@SOURaiders @souwbb @SOUWrestling @syddthaakiddd @50Kal_Holliday
Welcome to installment #33 in “The Whole Picture” in which I present the uncropped, higher resolution version of photos that have published. For prior editions click here. For higher resolution click on the photo before saving. As always, photos are best viewed on a big screen rather than a tiny phone screen.
Some of you may have found your way here through the link on I have had several people email me asking questions about buying prints or about finding all of my photos for a certain sport.
The photos I post here are a small fraction of the photos I actually have. If you would like to print any of the photos on Ashland Daily Photo, you are welcome to do so at no charge. Be sure to click on the photo to get to the higher resolution size which will print with more quality. If you want to use them on the web (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), you are welcome to do so if you link back to in the description of the photo. If you are using the photo in a newspaper or magazine, please credit “Al Case, Ashland Daily Photo”.
If you would like me to search through all of my photos and send you photos of the particular athlete you are looking for I charge a reasonable fee for the time it takes me to find all of those photos and to process them for you. I do not normally sell prints. I email you the high quality electronic files in .jpg format, and you can do the printing and framing yourself through a local or online service. My email is on this page or you can comment (leave a reply) to a recent blog entry to communicate.
To find all of my photos for a particular sport, use the following links. Click on “Older Entries” near the bottom-left of each page to view more photos.
track and field
@SOURaiders @1meyerkenny5 @souwbb @SOUWrestling @tycowger
Welcome to installment #32 in “The Whole Picture” in which I present the uncropped, higher resolution version of photos that have published. For prior editions click here. For higher resolution click on the photo before saving. As always, photos are best viewed on a big screen rather than a tiny phone screen.
Some of you may have found your way here through the link on I have had several people email me asking questions about buying prints or about finding all of my photos for a certain sport.
The photos I post here are a small fraction of the photos I actually have. If you would like to print any of the photos on Ashland Daily Photo, you are welcome to do so at no charge. Be sure to click on the photo to get to the higher resolution size which will print with more quality. If you want to use them on the web (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), you are welcome to do so if you link back to in the description of the photo. If you are using the photo in a newspaper or magazine, please credit “Al Case, Ashland Daily Photo”.
If you would like me to search through all of my photos and send you photos of the particular athlete you are looking for I charge a reasonable fee for the time it takes me to find all of those photos and to process them for you. I do not normally sell prints. I email you the high quality electronic files in .jpg format, and you can do the printing and framing yourself through a local or online service. My email is on this page or you can comment (leave a reply) to a recent blog entry to communicate.
To find all of my photos for a particular sport, use the following links. Click on “Older Entries” near the bottom-left of each page to view more photos.
track and field