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Posts tagged mike ritchey

Six years ago today…

sou mens wrestling 87-88

The 1988 SOU Wrestling Team entered the SOU Hall of Fame 30 years later

Happy birthday, Devin Poppen!

sou wrestling devin poppen-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Devin Poppen and Mike Ritchey (February 2019)

@SOURaiders @DevinPoppen @MikeRitchey4

Bob Riehm was born on this day in 1937

sou hall of fame 2018 class bob riehm

Distracted Bob Riehm and the 2018 SOU Hall of Fame class

@SOURaiders @SOUWrestling

Bob Riehm 1937-2020

The Hall of Fame 1988 Raider Wrestling Team coached by Bob Riehm

@SOURaiders @SOUWrestling

Details here.

Winter Scholar Athletes

sou mens basketball tristan holmes

Tristan Holmes

@SOURaiders @1meyerkenny5 @SOUWrestling @tcanaday @souwbb @tristenholmes11

Details here.

sou mens wrestling tanner canaday mike ritchey

Tanner Canaday

sou womens basketball toria bradford

Toria Bradford

sou mens basketball kenny meyer

Kenny Meyer

Wrestling Tonight

sou mens wrestling

2017-2018 SOU Men’s Wrestling Team

@SOURaiders @SOUWrestling @SouWomwrestling @nevinadeluca

At 6 p.m. #9 SOU men take on #4 Menlo at Phoenix High School. #10 Raider women take on #7 Menlo.

Women's Wrestling

Players of the Week


Dylan Alexander

@SOURaiders @RaiderVB @Dakota_LS @emmagassy @LMcGowne @JSing03

SOU had a strong showing when the conference awards were handed out this morning. Details here.


Matt Sayre, Mike Ritchey, Emma Gasman, and Colin Davis


Dakota Scott


Jessa Perkinson


Lauren McGowne


Jack Singler was the Frontier Conference Offensive Player of the Week

10th place for SOU men’s wrestling

tyler cowger screen capture 2016 championship runner up

Tyler Cowger – 2016 runner up at 149

@SOURaiders @SOUWrestling @tycowger

Details here.

SOU wrestling Coach Mike Ritchey Casey Coulter

Coach Mike Ritchey and All-American Casey Coulter

sou wrestling ryan mcwatters

All-American Ryan McWatters

sou wrestling kyle sether hunter hodges

All-American Hunter Hodges

sou men's wrestling tyler cowger

3X All-American Tyler Cowger