Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged nick kernaghan

Happy birthday, Nick Kernaghan!

sou football sean rogers nick kernaghan-DeNoiseAI-low-light

#40 Nick Kernaghan

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @CoachKern_ @seannyrog

Happy birthday, Tua Laolagi!

sou football tyler coates ben graziani tua laolagi nick kernaghan

Ben Graziani, Tua Laolagi, Tyler Coates, and Nick Kernaghan in Autzen Stadium

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @TuaLaolagi43 @CoatesTcoates29 @notBenGraz @CoachKern_

Happy birthday, Nick Kernaghan!

sou football isaiah tharp nick kernaghan joshua middleton tre forrest

#40 Nick Kernaghan

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @NxKernaghan @ITharp51 @Tra_MF_Forrest

SOU football seniors (part 4)

sou football nick kernaghan topaz denoise ai-clear

Nick Kernaghan

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @CoachHall_SOU @TuaLaolagi43 @NxKernaghan @tre_holmes

sou football tre holmes charlie hall topaz denoise ai-clear

Tre Holmes

sou football tua laolugi topaz denoise ai-clear

Tua Laolugi

SOU football seniors (part 3)

sou football nick kernaghan conner johnson tua laolugi tyler coates topaz denoise ai-clear

@NickKernaghan @SOURaiders @SOU_Football @TuaLaolagi43 @CoatesTcoates29 @connerjohnson83 @Devin_Based

 sou football AMU AUWAE topaz denoise ai-clear

Amu Auwae

sou football devin holden topaz denoise ai-clear

Devin Holden

Happy birthday, Nick Kernaghan!

Football haka

@NickKernaghan @SOURaiders @SOU_Football


sou football NICK KERNAGHAN tre holmes

Nick Kernaghan and Tre Holmes

@NickKernaghan @SOURaiders @SOU_Football @tre_holmes

Noon (PDT) start time for today’s game against Carroll College in Helena, Montana. You can watch the game on Youtube or head to one of the usual spots (Northwest Pizza (all ages), Oaktree, or RedZone).