Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged NIKKOR Z 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 VR S lens

Happy birthday, Mustafa Daggig!

sou mens soccer Mustafa Daggig

Mustafa Daggig

SOU Women’s Wrestling begins season today

Carolina Moreno Joye Levendusky

3X National Champion Carolina Moreno receives championship ring from Coach Joye Levendusky

Kissing squirrels

smelling squirrels

Ashland, Oregon (October 2024)

Our backyard is always the territory of a neighborhood squirrel. When another squirrel enters the arena, the neighborhood squirrel chases it until it leaves. I’ve seen this happen hundreds of times over the past 24 years. Until the day I took this picture…

These two were hanging out, enjoying each other’s company, and seemed to be in a constant state of friendly communication for hours. That was a first! I checked to see when squirrels mate, and it isn’t this time of year so I’m not sure what was going on with these two.

Happy birthday, Tristan Skerritt!

sou mens soccer Tristan Skerritt

Tristan Skerritt


Player of the Week

sou mens soccer Mustafa Daggig

Mustafa Daggig

Details here.

SOU women’s soccer in Ashland today

sou womens soccer

Ava Johnson

2 p.m. start

Bunt for the win

sou softball sarah kerling

Sarah Kerling

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @KerlingSarah

Sarah’s bunt single with two outs was the difference in today’s game.

Happy birthday, Frida Vargas!

sou womens soccer frida vargas

Frida Vargas

Player of the Week

sou softball Hannah Clavelle

Hannah Clavelle

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Details here.

Happy birthday, Casey Ruvolo!

sou mens soccer Casey Ruvolo

Casey Ruvolo

@SOURaiders @SOUMensSoccer