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Danish beer

Benjamin Franklin quote on god and beer

Denmark beer

The only thing at the Danish supermarkets cheaper in Denmark than in the states is beer. Most things are about 2 times more expensive. But beer can be had for as little as US$.50 a bottle. On average it is about $1 a bottle, about the same as the states. That’s cheaper than bottled water here! At a bar or restaurant, though, you’re likely to pay much more in Denmark (about $6 to $9 a serving usually).

The above three bottles were purchased individually (not in six packs which is also different). The most expensive was only about $.75. The one on the right was quite potent at over 10% alcohol. The others were more typical pilsners at about 5%.

Copenhagen Denmark

The Carlsberg Factory is not far from our apartment. After reading Guinness on the flight to Denmark I thought it might be fun to tour my first beer factory.

Carlsberg factory tour

The rooms where you begin (Visitor’s Center) and end (Tasting Room) the Carlsberg Brewery tour are both quite nice. The tour is nothing special though. It is a self-guided tour and is more of a museum-like tour than an active factory-like tour. The coolest part is right at the beginning when you get to see the largest collection of different beer bottles in the world. Ironically, Guinness gives Carlsberg the distinction. You can read the Guinness notice on the wall.

If there was a Guinness record for largest collection of dusty beer bottles, Carlsberg would win that award too with the same collection. It didn’t look like anyone had done any cleaning in there for many years.

Little Mermaid statue Copenhagen Denmark

While tourists flock to the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen, the one at Carlsberg sits all alone. It is an exact replica, done a bit smaller, and is part of the tour. The larger version in the harbor was a gift from Carl Jacobsen whose father founded Carlsberg Brewery.

Carlsberg Brewery Tour

At the end of the tour you enter a very nicely done tasting room. Included in admission is a coupon for two drinks (about a dozen different beers or soft drinks are available). This is the only part of the tour that includes a view of the operating brewery (through glass). Nothing was happening in that part of the factory while we were there though.

Carlsberg Frederiksberg Copenhagen Denmark

The price of admission for the tour is less than what it would cost you to purchase two beers at a restaurant or bar in town and the atmosphere in the tasting room was great. The walls are lined with sayings and other displays including the Ben Franklin quote near the top of this blog entry.

If you want a factory tour that allows you to see someone actually making their product then I’ve seen better (Jelly Belly Factory Tour and Harry & David Factory Tour). However, at the end of those tours there is no “Skål.”

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