How to avoid airline flight change fees
I booked an airline ticket through Kayak. I wanted to change the date of a flight, but I didn’t purchase their flight insurance so I figured I’d get hit with some sort of fee or penalty for changing the date. I contacted Kayak, and they told me to contact Travelocity as my flight wasn’t really booked through Kayak; Kayak basically booked my flight through Travelocity for me. I looked at Kayak’s website, and they made it sound like the cost would be at least $240 in change fees to change my date. I then contacted Travelocity, but I didn’t hear anything back for a couple days. While I waited I also contacted Korean Air since they were the actual airline. Travelocity got back to me saying the cost would be at least $81 if I changed my flight through Travelocity. Korean Air then got back to me and said there would be no charge. That’s right, by dealing directly with the airline I saved at least $81 and maybe more. I don’t know if this works with every airline, or if Korean Air is a fluke, but being able to change the date on a plane reservation for free was nice.