- Japan (07, 09-10, 13), Denmark (08, 11, 16-19, 21, 24), Korea (13), Poland (21), Mexico (14, 15, 19), Iceland (17, 19), Hawaii (14, 17, 22), Czech Republic (16, 17, 19, 21)
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Tonight’s agenda has been changed

volbeat anthrax denmark

@VOLBEAT @UMG @Anthrax @magtens

I was going to get a photo pass for Volbeat and Anthrax tonight in Aarhus, Denmark, but things didn’t work out again (a similar thing happened when Anthrax came to Ashland). I will see Anthrax, with a photo pass, at Brutal Assault Festival in August. But no Volbeat in Denmark which I thought would be cool.

Instead I’ll be heading to Rudersdal, Denmark to catch a professional American football game there featuring Isiah Carter. Go Oaks!

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