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2024 Copenhell begins

2024 copenhell schedule lineup

2024 Copenhell Schedule

I haven’t been to Copenhell since 2019, and I’m guessing that was my last time. I probably could have made it to this year’s Copenhell, but the headliners are not so great this year (except Tool–who I already saw on the Helviti stage at Copenhell in 2019). Had I gone, the only band playing today that I would have been excited to see is 1349.

Thursday’s headliners of Hammerfall and Limp Bizkit? Pass.

Friday’s headliners of Slaughter to Prevail and Machine Head? Pass.

Bands I would have liked to have seen are playing at the same time (Orm and Chelsea Wolfe, Accept and Hulder, Asinhell and High on Fire).

Oh well. I’m excited for Metal Magic Festival next month.

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