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mt. shasta from the air

The visibility from Medford to San Francisco was excellent on this morning. I got some nice aerial shots of my town of Ashland that I’ll post at sometime in the future on my other blog.

The first picture today is of Mt. Shasta. Whether going to California from Ashland by car or by plane, seeing one of the many faces of Mt. Shasta is always a highlight.

Clair Eagle Lake Trinity Alps California airial view

I believe the above photograph is of Clair Eagle Lake. I couldn’t get over the views we were being treated with. No one else on the plane seemed to even care or to bother to look out their window. I’m like a small kid when I fly and the visibility is good. These scenes aren’t to be wasted with a nap, book, or other distractions.

airial view of san francisco california

I have some other decent aerial shots of Angel Island, Alcatraz, Candlestick Park, and some of the San Francisco Bay’s bridges, but I think this is one of the better ones of the city itself. I used to give city tours (in Japanese in the early 90s), including night tours that featured a stop on Treasure Island, the land mass to the immediate left of the island in the middle of the Bay Bridge in this picture.

south of san francisco landfill marsh wetlands california

South of San Francisco (we practically flew to San Jose before turning around to land at SFO) are these land masses filled with fun designs. I’m not sure what exactly the ground is here. Landfill? Marshes? Something else? In any event, the colors and patterns were even more amazing with the naked eye.

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