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Where am I?

jidohanbaiki vending machines japan

Vending machines are everywhere in Japan. Instead of seeing one, every once in while, like in the states you’ll see three or four of them lined up nearly any place you turn to look. This set of four is a bit unusual though. Take a close look, and if you can figure out where this picture was taken from, post a comment with your guess.

I’ll let you know the answer in a couple of days.

4 Responses to “Where am I?”

  1. 1

    The food vending machine has to be pretty rare for any outdoor location.
    Did you see many vending machines beyond beverages and cigarettes?

    At least in Western Japan, I’ve rarely seen many outdoor vending machines beyond that.

  2. 2

    The food factor was not what I was looking for, but you are correct in the sense that most jidohanbaiki in Japan deal in beverages. Keep guessing…

  3. 3

    Can I do 3 guesses? Post Office, Bank or Pharmacy. I am just noticing the two drop off slots.

  4. 4

    Sorry, Jay. Derek was a bit warmer than you. The two drop off slots are actually for recycling your spent beverage container.