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Vernazza, Italy – before and after the flood

pre-flood disaster vernazza italy Cinque Terre

Vernazza, Italy (part of the Cinque Terre) in 2005

This is the first time I have posted anything about Italy in several years. Why post now? Recently (October 25, 2011), the Cinque Terre experienced a disaster that wasn’t exactly newsworthy in the USA. However, I stumbled upon a website that contained photos of the great flood of 2011 which literally wiped out much of the Cinque Terre.

The above photo (sorry for the poor resolution) is me sitting on the deck outside the place we stayed in Vernazza. The photo below is of the exact same lodgings on the day of the flood.

Cinque Terre flood damage photos

Vernazza during great flood of 2011

One Response to “Vernazza, Italy – before and after the flood”

  1. 1
    Andi Brown:

    That is a photo of my very favorite B&B in Vernazza! For anyone interested in more information about the flooding in Vernazza or how they can help with recovery efforts, I have put together a page here: