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10 more of the champions

SOU football daytona fans

SOU fans showing some muscle

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @racetodaytona #NAIAfootball

I have had lots of people asking for photos to print. I will be adding about 20 photos (from last Friday) a day to this blog. If you want to print any photos click on the photo first to get a higher resolution version, and then save the original for printing.

If you want to print any of the photos on Facebook, and they aren’t here yet, leave a comment letting me know which photo, and I will upload the original file within 24 hours. Do not print any photos off of Facebook. They will come out looking like crap, and I don’t want one of my photos hanging on your wall looking like crap.

SOU football daytona dylan young trophy coach howard drew gibson max proudfit austin dodge

Coach Howard talking to ESPN while Dylan Young, Drew Gibson, Max Proudfit, and Austin Dodge hold the championship trophy

Ryan Retzlaff after scoring a touchdown

SOU football daytona florida sunset quarterbacks

Florida sunset behind the NAIA Championship game

SOU football daytona coach howard o-line Nathaniel Timoteo

SOU football daytona austin dodge melvin mason

beginning of another Melvin Mason touchdown

SOU football daytona alex stork crowd

Alex Stork recovers the fumble and the crowd goes wild

SOU football daytona max proudfit

Max Proudfit

SOU football daytona daniel breaux

All-American Daniel Breaux #47 🙂

SOU football daytona Jaylenn Hart gooden

Jaylenn Hart with his third interception of the night

4 Responses to “10 more of the champions”

  1. 1
    Dana Smith Tuley:

    Awesome as always, Al! Feel like I’m there…oh, I was! 🙂

  2. 2
    Kamerun Smith:

    Do you have anymore pics from the bus?? Post game?

  3. 3
    Al Case:

    There are pics from the bus and post game here: with more on the way. I will get another post of 10 photos up later today.

  4. 4
    Valerie Howard:

    Al, it was certainly a pleasure meeting you and having your talent at the Championship Game! You have a gift, and your ability to capture raw emotion is undeniable… Thank you for sharing so that we all may enjoy that special time in life over and over again!!