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Posts tagged Ryan Retzlaff

9 years ago today…

daytona sou raiders football team national champions-DeNoiseAI-clear

Two days before winning the 2014 NAIA Football National Championship, the SOU Raiders Football Team was on the track of the Daytona International Speedway

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @dmgibson93 @schroder1130 @SOU_CoachBBrown @Matt_Retzlaff @ryretz @CoachT_CWU

Happy birthday to Ryan Retzlaff!

SOU football celebration ryan shawn retzlaff

@SOU_Football @SOURaiders @ryretz

Happy Brother’s Day!

sou football matt ryan retzlaff-DeNoiseAI-clear

Matt & Ryan Retzlaff (September 2014)

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @Matt_Retzlaff @ryretz

Happy birthday to Ryan Retzlaff!

Ryan Retzlaff

@SOU_Football @SOURaiders @ryretz

Happy birthday, Dustin Fretwell!

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @DY_Lee11 @RoySaigo

Some more football photos

sou football team running backs

Coach Jack Singler with the SOU running backs

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @Racecar_Roots @DY_Lee11 @Rollpride

sou football tyson cooper

Tyson Cooper breaking up the pass

sou football austin dodge dylan young julius rucker ryan retzlaff colin davis

National Champions Austin Dodge, Dylan Young, Julius Rucker, Ryan Retzlaff, and Colin Davis

sou football armando gauger

Armando Gauger with one of his sacks

Happy birthday, Max Proudfit!

SOU football max proudfit ryan retzlaff matt dylan young

@ryretz @SOU_Football @Matt_Retzlaff @DY_Lee11

One year ago today…

sou football ryan retzlaff

Ryan Retzlaff in Chicago (12/6/14)

@SOU_Football @SOURaiders @ryretz

Happy birthday to Laurence Calcagno

sou football daytona drew gibson laurence calcagno ryan retzlaff

Drew Gibson, Laurence Calcagno, and Ryan Retzlaff – National Champions

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @dmgibson93 @ryretz

Happy birthday to Ryan Retzlaff

sou football ryan retzlaff chicago td catch

Ryan Retzlaff’s TD catch in Chicago

@SOU_Football @SOURaiders @ryretz

That moment when the ball sticks but your feet don’t…

A moment before…

Ryan now plays for the Munich Cowboys in the German Football League.